An update, lookie thar.
This unfortunately doesn't mean I am back to regularly updating. The second year of med school has pushed my intended schedule for ending this comic back about 6 months. The only reason there is a page today is because I am 1) on break and 2) finally beat Zelda: Ocarina of Time today, leaving me with nothing to do.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy working on the comic, but it is still is WORK. And I've been worked to the bone. Therefore I wrote myself a prescription for 1 completed video game. No refills. Har har har.
The next page is sketched out, so hopefully that won't take 6 months to get up. Ugh. Sorry for the wait! I have not forgotten about this comic and I have been carefully recording each and everyone person who has requested to be added to the Master List to get written chapter updates.
Happy New Year! Consider this a belated Christmas gift? ^^;