How's everyone doing?
I have been absent on this comic-front, and I apologize. I most recently got off a huge exam earlier today that I spent innumerable (hyperbole) hours studying for, only to have that whole cycle of stress start up again first thing Tuesday morning.
I don't post it often and I only have a short blurb in the about area I think, but I am currently "enjoying" my second year of med school, which is said to be the hardest when it comes to the crap-tons of studying.
Good news is I have only 4 more exams of my second year. Bad news is that it lasts until March, and then there's the Step 1 Exam which is cumulative over the first 2 years of med school.
Yes, I'm busy. And no, I haven't forgotten this comic. I said I'm going to finish out this chapter, and I will. I have 2 more pages sketched, I just haven't had a chance to work on them. I am hoping that will change soon, I just can't make any promises. My other comic continues unhindered because it is just so much faster. I don't want to finish out this comic to fizzle out with half-assed pages until it is done.
This image here? I think I've spent upwards of 4 weeks working on it. An hour here or there. That's what I'm working with currently. But, I hope at least that you like it. Some spoilers, but not too many. This is from the sequel to the written story. Been brainstorming a bit.
Those of you who have emailed me about getting onto the reading list, sorry I haven't responded! But I got your emails and you are on the list. When I start sending those chapters out, I will post a notification here, just in case anyone fell through the cracks.
Well, early class tomorrow morning. Kind of hoping Sandy with cancel classes but I doubt it.
East Coasters, play it safe. Catch ya later, hopefully not much later.