Extra Page Pot

You Want Extra Pages? So Do I.

Lately, I've been unhappy with the current pace of my updates. I've been hearing murmurs of discontent in comments both here and on OTHER people's sites, that some readers are too. On the one hand, I'm pleased that people are into the story enough to want more updates. On the other, I am extremely displeased because though I'd love to do more updates, I have certain time and money constraints. For those of you unaware, I, Kez, am a grad student at Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, NY. This is my first semester there, and it is far more intense than the undergraduate level. Everything takes longer, is harder, and comes faster. On top of classes, I need to get a research position to graduate. This position will be unpaid, and will take up a LOT of time. When I am not doing grad school related work, I then need to do commission work in order to, well, make enough to buy the subway tickets to even GET to class, to buy dogfood, to buy HUMAN food, and all the usual stuff single students in debt just out their parents' house need. My parents are wonderful in that they really help me out, but they really shouldn't have to at this point.

Have I mentioned I'm still using the same laptop my dad bought me in 2004? 60GB Hard drive, folks. 1GB RAM. You have NO IDEA how crazy this makes someone doing heavy-duty art stuff. I've been trying to save up for a new system, but really, immediate bills will always come first.

Where this is all going is, I CANNOT with good conscience spend more time on a project that barely manages to pay for much of anything. Making comics is very hard work. It requires a lot of time and effort, both of which would probably be better spent being a cashier and working at minimum wage. But, the thing is, I really like comics. I'm willing to put forth that time and effort IF in return I get something back other than the fleeting satisfaction of completing yet another page. Due to the horrid track record of asking for "donations" I've observed internet-wide (ok, first off, it's not "donating." What a horrible word to use for paying someone for their work. Do you "donate" go see movies? No. You PAY. Both are forms of entertainment. Second, I admit, donations for extra Not Alone pages went alright! But that was because I priced them so low one "donation" could pay for a page easily.), I'm not doing that. Here's my plan:

You readers buy original drawings, by me, on REAL paper with REAL ink, I put all proceeds for that into the "Extra Page Pot." Each drawing is ~$15. I may do some colored pencil work or some regular sketches and sell those for more or less, respectively. For every $60 I make, I schedule an extra page within the next 2 weeks. $60/page is about $4/hour, or less, but it's far better than nothing. I'll need the 2 weeks in-between to work ahead to get that extra page done. No matter what, the comic will still update at least once a week.

Here's what drawings are currently available!

All available drawings will be posted beneath the comic page. If you are interested in purchasing any, email me at warofwinds@gmail.com with the name of the piece, and I will email you back an invoice you can pay through credit, debit or PayPal. After purchasing and funds go through, I will mail you the signed drawing in an 9x12 envelope, no folding :)


Why am I doing this instead of getting a "real job?" First, drawing and art and comics are real jobs. They require real work and talent and motivation and deadlines. But disregarding that, I'm doing this because my schedule as a student is prohibitive to normal job hours. I cannot fit in any job with normal hours and maintain grades or work ethic. I can work on comics before going to bed, I can script on the subway, I can fit in small chunks of time in-between doing other things. Anyone who manages to work, go to school and maintain responsibilities to their animals has my utmost respect. I can't do it.

More to be added as people ask.