Most of this is taking place inside Talon/Ian's head. Just like when Ravar and Ehranah were there before, appearances are based on the individual's concept of him or herself. In the top panel, Tempest appears as he once was, and in the second, as he currently is. Ian appears as he was just before he was imprisoned in his own mind.
The headdress Tempest is wearing is an ancient civilization's ranking system, similar to chevrons. The top panel marks him as commander of northern armies in peace time. The bottom as chief commander of allied forces, in war time. The colors and designs on the "wings" represent specific armies, similar to flags.
In the top panel, Talon and Ian blame themselves for Tempest's absence, which allowed the East Wind to set plans in motion all around the world. Of course, it wasn't the kid's fault. Too much was going on that he didn't know about, and the North Wind never blamed him for anything.
In the last panel, just as when Ehranah and Ravar tried to visualize and create what they wanted to happen in Talon's head in chapter 8, Tempest does the same. With a wave of his hand, he basically extinguishes Ian.
If you have any other questions about how things end up in the story, post below and I'll do my best to answer.
This page went through a bunch of revisions midway through. Hope you like it. Since I doubtful anyone reads this comic anymore except maybe a literal handful, I'm not sure if I'm going to go ahead and illustrate how all the other characters (Caspian/U'hano, Relan/Fen Aya Zen, etc) end up. They all get to the same place in the end, Ian dies, Talon lives, everyone prepares for war.
The end.
Wasn't quite the bang I was hoping to go out with, but I hope you enjoyed this journey, and I appreciate every single comment on this comic, even if I don't have the chance to reply.
Keep an eye out for this story in novel format, book cover by me. :)
Thanks for reading, folks.
Also credit to Melyssah for smoke stock.